Anna Beecher's We All Come Home Alive is Published

Anna Beecher's We All Come Home Alive is Published

Anna Beecher's second book, We All Come Home Alive, has been published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in the UK.

Writing for The Guardian, Stephanie Merritt says: 

The title of Anna Beecher’s first work of nonfiction can be read in various ways – an expression of triumph, relief or anticlimax. She uses it as a punchline to the book’s opening chapter, which recounts a car accident she experienced as a graduate student in the US. Here she conjures in vivid detail the violent shock of impact, the moments of silent disbelief in the immediate aftermath as she waits for understanding to catch up with physical sensation, dreading the discovery of what happened to the occupants of the other car, now spinning on its roof.

Read the full article here:

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