Rea Visiting Writer Ed Park Fiction Reading

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UVA Bookstore
Creative Writing Program

Join us for an evening with acclaimed writer Ed Park. 

Ed Park is the author of the novels Same Bed Different Dreams (2023), a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and Personal Days (2008), a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award. His fiction, essays, and reviews have appeared in The New YorkerThe New York Review of BooksHarper’sThe AtlanticBookforumMcSweeney’s, and many other publications. He is a founding editor of The Believer and the former literary editor of The Village Voice, and has worked in newspapers and book publishing.

Born in Buffalo, Ed lives in Manhattan with his family. He currently teaches writing at Princeton University.

His debut story collection, An Oral History of Atlantis, is forthcoming in 2025.